Bed Bug Solutions to Try Prior to Calling an Expert Exterminator

Those who find out that they have a bed bug infestation always quickly turn to call an exterminator. Though it is costly, many resort to this option as they find it convenient on their part. However, this is not always the result of getting these treatments. Most of the time, one treatment is not enough to completely eradicate bed bugs. This is what makes the entire process more costly and stressful for many.

Aside from this go-to solution, there are affordable bed bug solutions that you can try, requiring only your time and effort. Getting rid of bed bugs on your own is indeed challenging. The success rate of your efforts mainly depend on the following factors:

  • The severity of an infestation
  • Challenges on site:
  • Clutter
  • The ability of everyone in the household participating
  • Neighbours causing an infestation

Completely controlling the infestation may take several weeks or even months. As mentioned, the success rate depends on the amount of clutter you have to clean, the extent of the infestation in your home, and the willingness of everyone to cooperate in the process.

Solutions that You Can Try to Control a Bed Bug Infestation

It is possible to stop bed bugs from completely infesting your home. The following are some solutions you can try:

    • Remove Potential Hiding Places in Your Bed by Encasing Your Mattress

      Using mattress encasements can kill the bugs that may be hiding in your mattress. It can also protect the bed from bugs invading and keep it fresh for many years. Since bed bugs, as well as their eggs, are most likely hiding on or inside your mattress, pillows and box springs, it is essential that you use bed bug-proof encasements. These will prevent bed bugs from escaping, entering and feeding through as these encasements are made from bed bug-proof fabric.
      Make sure that you put everything in sealable garbage bags when you strip each piece off. This will prevent bugs from escaping and starting another infestation in other parts of your home.
      Some products we recommend for this solution are the Allerzip Mattress Encasement, Allerzip Pillow Case, and Bed BugLock Box Spring Encasement. You can get them individually or get our Bed Bug Protection Kit for a complete protection set for these pests.
        • Stop the Biting by Isolating Your Bed

          Isolating your bed will prevent bed bugs from climbing up your bed and reaching you. Since the feeding source is cut off, you can control bugs from reproducing and monitor the population.
          Since your bed is now free from these pests, the next step is to keep it away from bed bugs’ reach. One way to do this is by moving it away from the walls and other furniture. It is ideal to set up interceptors under each bedpost or leg. Since bed bugs can hide anywhere near your bed, it is only necessary that you set up traps that will prevent them from reaching you.
          Aside from interceptors, using a bed frame to elevate the mattress can also help in limiting the access points of bed bugs. As much as possible, avoid sleeping on the floor or resorting to the use of an air mattress.
          Our highly recommended product for this solution is our ClimbUp Interceptor. We have the ClimbUp HD, ClimbUp Original, ClimbUp Black Grip, and ClimbUp XL.
            • Clean, Vacuum and Steam Clean the Infested Area

              Doing this will kill bed bugs that are hiding in clothing, bags, and other personal items. It can also vacuum eggs and bugs that are hiding in hard-to-reach areas. Steam cleaning can help kill remaining bed bugs that are hiding.
              These pests can hide in almost every corner of your room. For this solution to work, you need to clean and declutter the infested area. This will make it easier to vacuum and steam clean as it will allow more coverage in each process.
              For vacuums, we recommend the Ergo HEPA Vacuum, Omega HEPA Vacuum or the Ergo Pro HEPA Vacuum. As for steam cleaners, we have the Polti Vaporetto Smart 40, Cimex Eradicator, Brio 250CC and 1000CC, and a lot more. You can also heat treat your belongings by using our Packtite Closet, ZappBug Heater, or ZappBug Oven 2.
                • Powder and Spray Cracks and Crevices

                  If you spot live bed bugs, contact sprays can help to kill them right away. There are also residual sprays that you can use to kill bed bugs on contact and leave residue that can provide protection from these bugs for days or even weeks. Powders, on the other hand, can seal every crack and crevice where bed bugs could possibly be hiding.
                  When it comes to sprays, it is recommended that you use residual and contact sprays that are designed specifically for bed bugs. Contact sprays provide a quick-killing solution while residual sprays offer lasting yet slower killing action, thus the need for combined usage.
                  For residual sprays, we recommend the Blaze Residual Bed Bug Killer, which is a powerful contact spray. When it comes to powders, you can choose between Diatomaceous Earth or Pyrethrin Powder.

                  Getting rid of bed bugs is like an uphill battle. There will be times when you just want to give up, but never lose hope. With patience, effort and time, you will slowly see a difference. In time, the bed bugs will be completely gone and your efforts will have paid off.



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