How Can Renters of Ontario File Complaint for Unlivable Conditions?

Finding your rental dream home can be one of the things that anyone would want to achieve in life. Once you find the one you that meets your needs, you’ll immediately contact the landlord and sign the lease in no time. However, what will you do if you find out that your supposedly “dream home” turns out to have problems – broken appliances, pests, or bed bugs perhaps?
Aside from all these problems that you may discover throughout your stay, you might even deal with a neglectful landlord who wouldn’t address these issues. If ever you face these problems, you might ask – What are my available options? Can I break my lease because of bed bugs Ontario?
Things Renters Should Do When Experiencing Unlivable Conditions in Their Rental Home
Prior to filing a complaint or even a lawsuit after experiencing harsh living conditions with bed bugs, there are certain things that you must do to make the situation favourable for you. These things are the following:
- Put everything in writing
Aside from telling your landlord about the bed bug infestation, it is highly recommended that you put everything in writing. It is stated in The Residential Tenancies Act of 2006 that it is the landlord’s responsibility to maintain and repair each unit, despite the tenant’s knowledge about the issues prior to signing the lease and even before moving in. So, make it a point to write a letter stating the bed bug problems that you’ve been dealing with in your rental home.
If the landlord hasn’t responded, gather all the letters or emails and use them when you bring the issue to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). These will serve as proofs during disagreements and will help the adjudicator in deciding on who is at fault.
- Contact the city to conduct a building inspection
You can also resort to filling up a T6 form with the LTB when you experience continuous neglect from the landlord. This form is meant for complaints regarding disrepair or failing to meet the public health and safety standards in the rental unit.
The entire process may take some time, so you might want to ask for a building inspection. The report can be used as an evidence of disrepair of your unit. Landlords, tenants, and adjudicators are all involved in whatever result they may get from the filed complaint.
- Keep receipts and document repairs or services you’ve paid for
If you have already addressed the issues on your own after being neglected by your landlord for a long time, make sure that you keep all receipts and document all the repairs or services done in your unit. You can bring these to your hearings and demand a full reimbursement from the landlord. This could also include any items you purchase from because of landlord neglect.
Filing a complaint may take a lot of time and effort, but you can always resort to writing a notice of termination. The landlord is responsible in taking care of the unit, but you can always have the lease terminated to avoid conflicts. Your landlord must follow the notice in the following 60 days especially if you’re paying rent every 30 days or when you’re paying on a month-to-month basis.
There are various options available in cases where your landlord tends to neglect all their shortcomings and leave you with all the issues in your rental unit. Learn more about what you can do as a renter in this article.
Understanding the Tenant Rights Bed Bugs Ontario
Dealing with bed bugs is a huge problem for both the landlord and the tenant. The entire process takes a long treatment process and the service costs of pest control companies are undeniably high. Tenants would usually report such problems to their landlords, but there are landlords who would simply neglect these complaints.
For some, their landlords might address the issue, but the catch is they’ll let their tenants pay for the costs. This act is undeniably wrong and is an offence to Ontario bed bug laws. Better understanding will help tenants protect their rights and prevent landlords from taking advantage of the situation.
Knowing and understanding the laws regarding issues about bed bugs Ontario Canada will give you an advantage on the actions you should take against your landlords. Yes, you may resort to bed bug treatments, but make sure you have well documented to get paid by your landlord for the expenses.
Controlling Bed Bug Bites at Low Cost
If you are dealing with bed bugs and are still waiting for the results of your complaints, you can start exerting effort in dealing with the bedbug infestations. Yes, the entire process seems expensive but it is possible to control bed bugs at a low cost. This is where we, at, can help you.
- Use mattress encasements
You can stop these critters from reaching you by simply using bed bug mattress encasements. Encasements are among the cheap and effective ways to prevent getting bed bug bites and keeping your mattress. This will also protect you from developing allergic reactions as bed bugs bite you while you sleep.
It works two ways in preventing the bugs from biting you and from spreading across your home. Also, we offer various options of mattress encasements, box spring cover, and even a complete bed bug protection kit to stay protected against these critters.
- Place bed bug interceptors under bedposts and furniture legs
Our ClimbUp Interceptors are among the high-quality interceptors that effectively helps in monitoring and detecting bed bugs. We have several affordable options available and are suitable to fit on any leg sizes of your bed or furniture pieces.
When you find bed bugs in these interceptors, you can use them as additional proofs that your unit is infested. You can also place these near cracks and crevices to lure the bugs out of hiding and trap them in the inner well.
You can find these and a wide range of bed bug products for monitoring, detection, and prevention are available at All these pest control products can be used as is or be combined to get the maximum benefits of preventing bed bugs.
Feel free to use these products first while you are still in the process of talking with your landlord or still waiting for the results after filing your complaint. This way, you can protect yourself and your family from the negative effects of living in a rental unit unexpectedly infested by bed bugs.