What Size are Bed Bug Eggs?

Unlike adult bed bugs, bed bug eggs are smaller and more difficult to find. Though the eggs are very small, it is still possible to spot them with your naked eye. You can tell that you have found bed bugs if the eggs are as small as a poppy seed, about 1mm.

During inspection, if you find the bed bug nest, you will find eggs securely attached to any hard surface in the breeding spot. They may look similar to eggs of other pests or insects that are the same size as bed bugs.

Essentially, the eggs are white in colour and are often found in clusters. Since they don’t hatch at the same time, you may find eggshells around the nest along with the unhatched eggs.

It is necessary that you spend an ample amount of time when observing an infested area, as you may take other insect’s eggs for eggs from bed bugs. Take into consideration other signs that confirm the presence of bed bugs and are not just other insects infesting your home.

Below are images of bed bug eggs you can use as reference when searching for them inside your home:


What Do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like?

Searching for pictures of bed bug eggs is one way to prevent mistaking another insect’s eggs as bed bugs eggs. The eggs of bed bugs are around 0.1 inches to 2.5mm long. They are pearly white and semi-transparent. Some compare them to the size of poppy seeds while others say they are similar to half a grain of uncooked rice.

The eggs are sticky, which is why they are usually found clustered or grouped together. When you find a bed bug nest, you will find pieces of eggshells scattered near unhatched eggs. If you see eggs with eye markings, it means that the eggs are over five days old. Though these are clear signs that there is indeed an infestation, it is still highly recommended that you look for other signs that can confirm the presence of bed bugs.

Common Areas Where Bed Bug Eggs are Hidden

The size of the eggs makes it easy for female bed bugs to hide them in areas that are untouched or undisturbed. The eggs are laid in protected areas and are sometimes placed near the food source. Bed bugs can get into the smallest possible cracks that aren’t any thicker than a business card. In these small cracks, they can leave their eggs until they hatch.

Take a look at the images below for some references on how bed bug eggs look like:



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