How Long for Bed Bug Eggs to Hatch

After mating, female bed bugs lay eggs that are oval and white. Each egg is about 1/16” in length and is usually laid in cracks and crevices. In a female’s lifetime, it can lay over 200 eggs. It would take about 6 to 10 days to hatch and newly hatched will immediately seek their first blood meal.
Since bed bugs are insects that feed on blood, it is required for them to feed to grow. Provided that they are going to stay in a place with a room temperature, reaching maturity is still possible if they can feed occasionally.
Immature nymphs will have to go through five times of moulting before they reach adulthood. Moulting is the process where they shed the outer exoskeleton to enter a new nymphal stage. Under normal and favourable circumstances, an adult bed bug can live for about 2 to 4 months.
Though a blood meal is required for young nymphs to moult, they can survive even without feeding for days to several months. For older nymphs and adults, they can survive for a year even without feeding if the living conditions are favourable for them.
How Many Days Does It Take Before Bed Bug Eggs Hatch?
For those who are unaware, they would most likely ask how long it takes for bed bug eggs to hatch to know how long they need to wait for another treatment to be done. Even experts in performing bed bug treatments are fully aware of the bed bug life cycle, which helps them decide on the intervals between treatments.
Keep in mind that even if females can lay eggs every day, these eggs will not hatch immediately. Yes, you may have done treatments that kill bed bugs, but these treatments may not be enough to kill the eggs.
You should opt for a treatment that will kill both adult bed bugs and eggs. This way, you can make sure that a re-infestation can be prevented after a treatment or two. Without the right treatment, you should expect the number of these bugs multiply in no time and the infestation is sure to worsen in a month’s time.
Like other insects, females lay eggs often and if there is a male and has the right environment, one female can continue laying eggs daily. They can lay four to seven eggs each time and can lay around 200 or more eggs in her lifetime.
Imagine if there are several bugs that are in your home and are laying over 200 eggs, you can multiply that and realize how serious the problem is. Also, think about how worse the infestation is if they start laying eggs around your home without your knowledge.
Aside from the pre-moulting meals, there are bugs that will feed off you every day. Fecal spots are proof that there are bugs feeding and digesting near your sleeping area.
Though leaving your home may seem like a solution for the bugs to have no source of food, always remember that they can survive for a long time even without feeding. It is not a sure solution. Treatments are still required to kill and get rid of these critters completely.
Provided that they live in optimal conditions, bed bug eggs have an enormously low mortality rate. About 97% of laid eggs will hatch and survive. Within a span of 6 weeks, the newly hatched nymphs will become adults and start their reproductive cycle. Thus, multiplying effortlessly and cause a serious level of infestation. Recommendations
When handling an infestation, pest management methods are necessary to avoid re-infestation. This means that you should minimize the risks of another spread of the bugs or re-introducing the bugs to bed bug-free rooms or areas in your home.
At, we recommend the use of heat treatment in killing bed bugs and their eggs. Heat treatment is highly recommended as it can be used in treating any surface with less to no damage. This means that the pesky critters hiding in your box springs and bed frames and other nooks and cranny. Below are the products you can try:
Pest control is important in controlling an infestation. Make sure that you use products that will help you detect their presence and prevent them from spreading. Passive monitors are products that we recommend. Try any of these:
Remember that bed bug eggs are much harder to deal with since finding them is more difficult. See to it that you choose a treatment that will not only address the problem with live and adult bugs but also their eggs.