When it comes to bed bugs, most people will try to use whatever treatments they know or have to get rid of these pests. One of the common go-to treatments that most people assume will help their issue is the use of insect sprays.
Does mosquito repellent work on bedbugs? Among the most commonly available in homes are mosquito repellent sprays. However, can these types of repellents work to ward off the bugs and prevent the bites? The answer is a big NO.
When dealing with these critters, any pesticides not intended for killing bed bugs will not work. It will only put the health of your family at risk and can potentially worsen the bed bug problem. Thus, the need to read and follow the label description and directions is very important.
Insect repellents such as those for mosquitoes are specifically created to kill only mosquitoes. These are obviously not proven to get rid of bed bugs nor can it keep them away. Most repellents are available to be applied to human skin. Currently, there are no repellents registered to use against bed bugs.
The Importance of Using the Right Repellents and Sprays for Specific Locations and Pests
Always keep in mind the outdoor products are bound by the law to be used only outside of your home, thus making the use of such products indoors illegal. Using it inside may cause certain health issues as outdoor sprays or repellents are most likely formulated differently than those which are meant to be used indoors.
Also, the use of outdoor sprays indoors may only result in making the bed bugs spread as they come out of hiding and move to other hiding places. In addition to adverse effects on health, the use of outdoor sprays indoors may cause a lengthy and expensive cleanup.
Using the Right Pesticides for the Right Pests
Many assume that the use of DEET-based mosquito repellents can actually help keep those pesky bugs away. Well, it may work against mosquitoes, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it can also work on bed bugs.
For some reason, it can also work against bed bugs, but it depends on the percentage of DEET used in the repellent. What you should understand is that the effects won’t last very long. Also, it doesn’t mean that the bugs will no longer feed on you in the middle of the night. It will only make them go away until the repellency breaks down.
Also, the use of DEET on a regular basis on your bed sheets or spraying it all over your bedroom before going to bed may cause health problems. In the long run, the bugs will develop a resistance to it and will continue infesting your home, thus resulting in a bigger and more unmanageable infestation.
Think DEET and DDT are the same? Here’s a quick comparison of each.
Why Using Common Insect Sprays Won’t Kill Bedbugs
Yes, you can use an insecticide spray that kills bed bugs upon contact. However, this is not enough to kill those that are in hiding and especially the eggs.
The use of a bed bug spray may not resolve your bed bug infestation. It is a given that these critters have developed the resistance to common pesticides for the past few decades. This means that it requires complete pest management control efforts to get a positive result.
With the aforementioned effects, it is necessary for a homeowner to use the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach as it kills and controls bed bugs. The approach includes thorough inspections that are done on a regular basis. Most common bed bug hiding places such as the mattress covers, box springs, furniture, and even all the nooks and crannies of walls are inspected. This approach also includes decluttering and regular vacuuming. You will also need mattress and box spring encasements to protect your bed from a re-infestation.
Though regular inspections must be done, that doesn’t mean that you should also do daily insecticide application. Doing so will only make the bugs spread to other places and worse - develop resistance. There are a lot of products that you can use for pest control and make them a part of your preventive measures.
Using the Right Treatments and Resorting to the Right Bed Bug Solutions
If you’re dealing with bed bugs, there is no better way to prevent them from biting you and infesting your entire home by getting the right treatments and resorting to the right bed bug solutions. If you found out about an infestation while it is still in an early stage, the use of bed bug active monitors can help detect the pests which will let you know the level of infestation in your home.
In the case that you’ve managed to inspect your home and you know the current level of infestation, you can use bed bug heaters to treat infested items and even your entire home. If you are fully aware that the level of infestation in your home can still be managed with products you can use on your own, you might as well take advantage of such products first. However, if you think the infestation is uncontrollable, a call for a pest control company is an effective bed bug solution that you can turn to.
With the help of experts, you’ll understand the problem better and learn the other things to do to prevent a re-infestation. This option may be expensive, but depending on the treatments done, it is less stressful to do since you will not have to deal with everything on your own. All you have to do is follow what the exterminator says after the treatment.