Can You Get Rid of Bed Bugs with Spray?

The use of pesticides is a traditional method that is used by many to kill bed bugs. This is because it is known as the most budget-friendly option. Using a spray instead of other treatment methods can be the right choice for low-level infestations and when used properly.
However, not everyone is enticed with the idea since many are concerned about the chemicals used in these sprays. Also, if not careful, you might end up grabbing a product containing chemicals that will not affect bed bugs. Certain sprays may damage surfaces.
Unlike the use of heat treatment where high heat is used to treat bed bug-infested homes and items and usually requires one treatment session, sprays would require several applications. At times, it would require the combination of different sprays, in case the first one does not work.
Can You Use Bed Bug Spray in Treating Bed Bug Infestation?
The answer is both a yes and no. There is no specific magic spray that can get rid of bed bugs completely. Yes, commercial insecticides can kill the bugs when applied directly to the bugs and when carefully applied to their hiding places. However, it may not work for those that are hidden carefully in other parts of your home.
It all depends on the kind of sprays that you get. Remember that the use of sprays in your state may be restricted so you need to ask proper authorities regarding the use of such products before buying. Also, keep in mind that you need to apply it strategically for it to work.
Types of Sprays Available in the Market
There are various types of sprays that you can find in the market. Some of them work in contact while some may leave residual effects, which is suitable as an after-treatment solution.
- Low toxicity spray
These are contact sprays that will only work if you spray it directly on the bugs. This means that those in hiding are less likely to die and this includes young bugs and eggs.
These sprays are usually soap- and alcohol-based. Once the residues of these sprays dry out, they will no longer affect the critters. This is the reason why multiple treatments are needed before it works. Also, be careful when using alcohol-based sprays as these are flammable.
- Plant oil-based spray
Surprisingly, these sprays are effective in killing bugs and their eggs as evaluated by experts.
- Pyrethroid sprays
These sprays are known to be stronger options and longer-lasting. However, bed bugs have grown resistant to these sprays to a certain degree.
You should be extra careful when using these sprays around children and pets. Make sure that you only use it in places that are indicated on its label. Never spray it on electrical outlets just like with any liquid spray. As much as possible, keep your children and pets out of the infested room or home when using it.
Always remember that you should use sprays and any pesticides as a bed bug treatment with caution especially when using it indoors. Never attempt to use products intended for bed bugs that do not have clear directions that it is for indoor use.
Reading labels on pesticides will give you directions on what to do and how to use it. These are not suggestions but direct instructions on how you should use it. Failure to follow is illegal and might result in possible health hazards to you and your family.

Choosing an Insecticide Spray for Bed Bugs
When choosing a specific spray for killing bed bugs, it should be registered EPA> It should be listed on the label, so you should search for it before buying it. You should also follow the indicated instructions carefully. If unsure, you can hire a pest control specialist to do the treatment for you.
As mentioned, it should be labelled for indoor use. Avoid spraying it on mattress and box spring, couches, as well as other areas where your children or pets are playing or sleeping. Make sure that your pets and kids will not get in contact with the areas where you spray insecticides.
You can re-treat certain areas if necessary, after doing a thorough inspection. There is a great chance that you have missed a young bed bug hiding in cracks and crevices or eggs have already hatched.
When you are going to spray your belongings like clothes, you must choose a non-toxic option to avoid any harmful health hazards. This type of spray can also be used to your other belongings to prevent bed bugs from hitchhiking in your stuff.
Strategic Application of Spray Helps in Killing and Repelling Bed Bugs
For your efforts in applying insecticide to pay off, you should apply it strategically. This way, you can make sure that all bugs hiding will be killed.
You should treat your bed and bed frames and furniture. A residual spray is highly recommended especially if you are not completely sure if the area is where the bugs are hiding. This will repel and at the same time kill them.
It may be tempting, but make sure that you do not spray too much. Spraying too much will only worsen the problem as it may spread the infestation.
You can use insecticide dust alongside sprays to target narrow spaces where these bugs are possibly hiding. Diatomaceous earth, for example, is an effective option that attacks the nervous system of the bugs and kills them slowly. You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove the old powder and re-apply it occasionally in the same location.
Using Sprays when Traveling
There are also sprays that you can bring when travelling. Given that hotels are known for various bed bug cases, these are common places where you can easily pick them up and bring home.
You should inspect your entire room and spray the bed or certain areas where these bugs are probably hiding. Before going home, put your soiled clothes in plastic bags to keep the bugs from spreading in your luggage and during your travel back home.
Upon arriving at home, make it a point to throw your clothes in the washer and dryer. Choosing the highest heat setting to kill all present bed bugs. For your luggage, you can spray it as well to kill any bed bugs in it.