Can You Feel Bed Bugs Crawling on Your Skin?

Bed bugs are considered to be among one of the most frustrating pests anyone has to deal with. They have a fast pace of reproduction and they can live without food for months. They can hide in almost any narrow space, which makes them difficult to find.

Their size is roughly that of an apple seed, but the seed is slightly larger than the insect itself. Most people don’t experience any allergic reactions to their bite, which is why most people don’t realize they have a bed bug infestation.

Because of their small size, you may not feel these critters crawling on your skin. It also depends on your skin’s sensitivity and where the bugs are crawling. Since they are lightweight, you may not even wake up when they are on your skin. It is less likely for you to feel their bite simply because their saliva has anesthetic properties.

Considering the factors mentioned above, you’ll have an idea of why you never felt anything while these bugs were biting you, only noticing the bed bug bites in the morning or a few days after you were bitten. When you do notice these bites, keep in mind that it is one of the signs of bed bugs and that a big infestation is possibly waiting to happen.

Are Bed Bugs Visible with the Naked Eye?

Though these pests can be as small as the size of an apple seed, you can still actually see them. It is a common misconception about these critters, and oftentimes they are confused with other insects. Just because they are hiding in narrow gaps doesn’t mean that they are impossible to find.

It may seem impossible to find these critters as you would obviously try to look for them in the morning after you wake up. The reason why you may not find them is that they are simply hiding from the light. They only come out to feed when their host – you – is asleep. It means that they are only active at night. Also, you may never notice them in your home if the infestation is still in its early stages.

Visit this page to learn how to find bed bugs in your home.

With the naked eye, you can easily find bed bugs, nymphs, and even their eggs. If they have already built their colony, you will most likely find them in different life stages in one or more location in your home.

Adult bed bugs are easier to see since they have a darker colour, especially when full; while nymphs are harder to find. They are smaller and have a lighter colour. When you look at them closely, the body is pale and translucent. As the nymphs go through more stages of their lifecycle, they will eventually turn brown.

The hardest to spot are eggs, as they are about 1mm long and white to clear in colour. What makes them harder to find is that they are often laid in the most secluded, smallest cracks and crevices. Most of the time, you’ll find them under untouched furniture or untouched cracks and crevices anywhere in your home.

Can You Feel Them Crawling Even if You’re Awake?

Since you can possibly spot them without using special tools, you may ask if you will ever feel bed bugs crawling on your skin even if you’re awake. Bed bugs are almost weightless. Just like an ant or insect crawling on your skin, you can roughly assume how it will feel.

When you’re awake, you can most likely feel the bugs crawling on you. The ever so light sensation makes it impossible for you to feel it when you’re asleep. They usually stay active at night, since it is the time when you don’t move too much. These critters can feed without being disturbed.

Remember that there are certain parts of the body where your skin is more sensitive. Say, for example, the palms of your hands. These are more sensitive than compared to your back. If these pesky bugs ever crawl on your palms, there is a higher chance that you will feel it. The same goes for when these bugs walk through hairy parts of your body such as your legs and arms.

Also, they don’t always stick on your skin or crawl on any part of your body. If you’re awake, they will usually latch onto your clothing or hide in your back or any belongings, then wait for the right moment when they can bite and feed on you. They might stay on your clothes or belongings or move to nearby items and hide until they are ready to come out and eat.

To sum up, it is possible to feel these critters on your skin, but it doesn’t mean that you can always feel them. As mentioned, since they crawl on you when you are asleep, it is less likely for you to feel their presence when they are already feeding on you. Furthermore, you don’t have to worry about getting sick from bites, as they don’t transmit diseases to humans.

How to Stop These Pests from Crawling on You and Getting bed bug Bites

There are several pest control strategies that you can take to get rid of bed bugs and stop them from crawling on you. These strategies will also stop them from biting you, so you can finally say goodbye to itches from bites and nasty bite marks.

  1. Identify where bed bugs are living

Bed bugs living in your home are probably hiding in or near your bed. You’d better check your mattress and box springs and use bed bug mattress covers to protect yourself from the critters hiding in your bed.  

  1. Use bed bug treatments for a low-level infestation

If you were able to determine that you are dealing with a low-level infestation, you can try to get rid of these pests organically. Another option is the use of bed bug treatments that you can use without the help of experts. Products such as bed bug interceptors, active monitors, and CO2 traps all work to trap these critters, monitor their activities, and control the infestation in your home.

  1. Be wary when travelling

One of the many reasons why you will get a bedbug-infested home is when you come back from travelling and you bring these critters home yourself. Without your knowledge, the hotel room where you stayed is potentially infested and the critters were able to latch onto your belongings. So, prior to comfortably lying on your hotel bed, see to it that you have inspected the room and have taken preventative measures to avoid bringing these critters home.

These are some simple steps that you can take to prevent these critters from reproducing, crawling on your skin and feeding on you.

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