Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs but Bigger

Anyone who isn’t familiar with bed bugs can mistake any bug for it. This is a common problem especially for those who are starting to notice insect bites on their body or other signs of possible infestation.

There are various insects mistaken for bed bugs, but there are bugs that look like bed bugs but bigger. This makes it a reason for you to identify the bugs properly to get the right treatments or solutions that will stop the bug infestation before it gets worse.

Common Bugs That Look like Bed Bugs but Are Bigger

Anyone can mistake any insect for another insect. This is also a common mistake with bed bugs that’s why you should know how to differentiate certain bugs that look like bed bugs and learn what is infesting your home. The following are some of these common bugs that may look like the pesky blood-sucking critters but are bigger:

Black Carpet Beetles

Coming from the family Dermestidae of the Insecta class, black carpet beetles are often mistaken as the blood-sucking insects. Their normal look is almost similar to that of a well-fed bed bug. They have round bodies and grow to about 5mm long. However, when in their larval form, these insects usually measure around 7mm.

Despite their name, they have a reddish-brown colour but their bodies are covered in bristles. Some species are patterned in yellow, black, and white.

One thing that makes this insect easier to differentiate from bed bugs is that they have wings and can fly. While bed bugs feed solely on blood, these beetles feed mostly on pollen, nectar and the skin shed of bedbugs. This is the main reason why you might take them as bedbugs since you might find them lurking near their nests.

This beetle’s larval form prefers feeding on carpets, natural fibres, furniture, and clothing. They can become extremely damaging to homes. Though they don’t bite humans for blood, one may develop allergic reactions when exposed to their fur.

Spider Beetles

Another species from the Insecta class and Ptinidae family that anyone may mistake for bedbugs is the spider beetle. The name is derived from their appearance that looks more like a spider. In terms of shape and size, they look more like fleas instead of bedbugs.

An adult spider beetle measures more or less 5 mm. This size makes it easy to spot without using a magnifying glass. You can also feel them between your two fingers.

The colour of these insects is usually reddish to light brown. They have slender long legs and have two rounded body segments. Most of the species are flightless and have a pair of long antennae that are sometimes mistaken as an extra pair of legs.

Instead of blood, these insects feed on droppings, grains, and seeds. Like bedbugs, these insects are also busy at night. You can check an infestation at night and once confirmed, you can decide on the treatment that must be done in your home.

Cockroach Nymph

Coming from the same class Insecta but from the order, Blattodea, cockroach nymphs are white in colour and small. Once they hatch, they quickly turn into reddish-brown. This is why many think the nymphs as bed bugs. Unlike bedbugs, nymphs don’t feed on blood. However, they can still trigger asthma attacks or allergic reactions.

Also, these are cylinder in shape and a bit longer than bedbugs. They usually hide in cracks and crevices, which makes them similar to the bloodsucking critters. They are also active at night but are considered more of a nuisance than pests.

Unlike the various solutions, you must use to get rid of bed bugs, a cockroach infestation can be dealt with by using regular insecticides. Also, maintaining a clean house will prevent attracting cockroaches in your home.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bugs are generally small species of insects that belong in the genus Cimex. They feed on human blood, which leads to people having infestations to suffer from bed bug bites. Though most people don’t suffer from any form of allergic reactions to these bites, some are sensitive to these bites.

These critters are small insects but can still be visible with the naked eye. An adult bed bug may measure about 3 to 5 mm and around 1.5 to 3 mm wide. Though bed bug nymphs are translucent or white, adults may range from reddish, copper, to light brown. They are oval-shaped and flat and may resemble the size of an apple seed.

Though they have wings, they are not able to fly. When you are sleeping, the body releases carbon dioxide which attracts these critters to bite and feed off you. They usually bite all exposed skin and immediately return to their harbouring area after feeding.

Once you notice that you are getting more bites and starting to see the bugs anywhere in your home, it is about time that you consider pest management. You can contact professionals to conduct the right treatment or make use of various solutions to get rid of these critters for good. Continuous monitoring is always recommended, so you might want to invest in monitoring devices after having your home treated.

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