Getting a bed bug infestation is among the dreaded things no one wants. This is among the main reasons why there are more people who are interested to know more about bed bugs. Among the things one must know about these critters is that they bite humans and they can be mistaken for other bugs.
Common Bugs Mistaken for Bed Bugs
Without knowing how to identify these critters, there is a great chance that you’ll find different insects around your home and mistake them for bed bugs. There are various bugs that are similar in appearance to bed bugs. Some of these are the following:
Spider Beetles
The colour of these bugs ranges from pale brownish-yellow to reddish-brown to almost black. They have long and thin legs and antennae. These parts are all covered with hair. It has its head connected directly to the body.
Its size is around 1 to 5mm and usually has an oval-shaped body. These beetles have wings, but only some of their species are able to fly. Unlike bed bugs, these critters don’t bite humans. These are usually found in wooden structures or anywhere near their food sources.
Establishments or residences with poor sanitation are prone to be infested by these bugs.
Carpet Beetles
These bugs differ from other bugs in this list mainly because of its colour. It is black and has white patters and red or orange scales. Seeing these bugs from above, its head is usually hidden but you’ll see its short antennae peeking.
Their size ranges from 2 to 3.8mm and an oval-shaped body. They have wings and adults usually fly around during the day. They might not be known for biting, but they can cause dermatitis to humans because of allergic reactions.
These insects are typically found on flowers. They can also be found on fabrics, specifically carpets. If you often bring fresh-cut flowers from your garden, you can accidentally bring these insects inside your home.
Bat Bugs
These insects are brown in colour and are considered the most similar to bed bugs. The only obvious difference between them is that the hairs of these insects on their head is longer, unlike bed bugs.
Their size is around ¼” of an apple seed. They have wing pads, but their wings are non-functional. They do bite, but only when bats are not around.
Despite their name, these bugs are not really found on bats. They only stay where bats are living.
You can either find booklice in creamy yellow or pale brown colours. Unlike bed bugs, these insects look more like termites. They have long, thin antennae and soft bodies.
Their size is about 1 to 6mm and has a segmented body. Not all booklice have wings. Those with wings would have 4 held rooflike over their bodies and rest. Though they are not known to bite humans, scientists believe that their dead bodies along with dust contribute to triggering asthma attacks.
Most of the time, these insects are found in areas with high humidity like damp books since they dehydrate easily.
They are also reddish-brown in colour and have round heads and long legs. Their size is about 1/8” and has a segmented and laterally flattened body.
These insects don’t have wings and they also bite humans. The bitten areas can be very itchy. They are also known to be a vector for different diseases. These are usually brought indoors by animals.
Ticks have a similar colour and shape to bed bugs. However, they have 8 legs, which indicates that they are arachnids.
Another similar thing with thee insects is that they both feed on blood and bite humans, although they prefer biting and feeding on animals more. One major difference between the two is that ticks don’t only bite. They latch on their hosts and slowly burrow their heads in the skin while biting.
Cockroach Nymphs
The nymphs look more like newly hatched bed bugs because they have this white/translucent appearance. In time, they turn into a darker shade of red and brown. However, unlike bed bugs, the nymphs have a more cylindrical body shape.
They usually stay in cracks and crevices that are moist and warm. Nymphs are also active at night and known for triggering asthmatic reactions and asthma attacks.
How Bed Bugs Really Look Like
For you to know what you are really dealing with, you have to know what bed bugs look like. Being able to identify an adult bed bug from another bug will help you in determining the right methods of pest management to be done.
Since not all bugs are feeding on humans, you should be wary of any bite marks especially those in groups. The bugs are really small and around one-quarter of an inch in length. Identifying bedbugs precisely will help in taking proper pest control methods to get rid of them.