Health Canada warns citizens about bed bug products

Health Canada bed bug product warning!

Health Canada warns about bed bug productsA warning has been emitted by the federal government about dangerous bed bug products which lead to the death of two children in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Health Canada warns Canadians about unregistered products that claim to kill bed bugs. Health Minister Rona Ambrose said ``It’s a really tragic situation and this is a product that in terms of how its regulated, is not supposed to be used in homes ever``

The pesticide used by the family contained aluminum phosphide; a very toxic ingredient in certain pesticides that should only be used by pest control specialists. According to the department of Health Canada, such bed bug products can only be approved for use by those with the appropriate training. Although small amounts of unregistered pest control products can be imported into Canada, they are for personal use only and rules are primarily applied for products such as insect repellent, not insect killers.

Most pesticides and other dangerous-goods which cross the border should meet the labelling and shipping documents; however small quantities always slip through. Once on Canadian soil, anybody can try to sell these products to innocent people who are victims of bed bugs, victims who are usually in a vulnerable and desperate position.

How to buy safe bed bug products?

ClimbUp bed bug trap Buy from reputable sources such as us or other pest management companies in your neighborhood. As for us at, we sell only natural products which are all approved by health Canada. If you have bed bugs and need some immediate relief, consider buying ClimbUp bed bug interceptor. They are a cost conscious and effective solution which provides you with immediate bed bug relief. For $19.99, you can’t go wrong, and if the budget permits, mattress encasements are always strongly recommended.

Should you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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