Bed Bugs Hamilton - City Wide Extermination


Bed Bugs Hamilton OntarioAccording to the CityHousing Hamilton, nearly 5000 work orders have been filed in 2013 for cases of bed bugs, a problem of epidemic proportions. The city's public works committee has allocated $350 000 to help residents of Hamilton fight bed bugs. Of the $350 000;

  • $150 000 will be spent on bed bug treatment in Hamilton's residential care facilities
  • $100 000 will pay for the development of a bed bug strategy for the city of Hamilton
  • $100 000 for bed bug education, awareness and provide help to support low income/vulnerable residents

Under this new bed bug strategy, an additional $100 000 will be granted to hire a "navigator" who will guide low income, vulnerable and/or other Hamilton residents with health/physical limitation in the preparation of bed bug treatment and protection.

The board of health committee reports that while bed bugs do not pose a direct health hazard, meaning they do not transmit diseases, there remains a social cost, stigma, expenses surrounding bed bug treatment and not to mention the sleepless nights and stress when dealing with a bed bug infestation. 

"The average cost of a bed bug extermination in Hamilton is $2000 " - The Spec - 

One woman mentions that bed bug almost drove her crazy, she was having nightmares, paranoia, obsessive cleaning, isolation from family and friends and even spent christmas alone. 

Susan Harding-Cruz, manager of the public disease program with the public health department, mentions the need for a community wide response to eradicate bed bugs in Hamilton. She also proposes a registry for the city of Hamilton where all building infected by bed bugs would be flagged, like restaurant who are flagged for health hazards. However, such a solution would single out buildings and stigmatize neighbourhoods. 

Bedbugs Hamilton infographic

View bug bugs Hamilton Infographic

Bed Bug products for Hamilton residents

Bed bugs can cost thousands to exterminate, almost $2000 per apartment. Getting rid of bed bugs does require the help of a professional when severe, but more importantly your own personal efforts. Depending on the severity, you can try to get rid of bed bugs yourself, but if the problem persists, call the nearest exterminator in Hamilton.

NOTE: You cannot expect the exterminator to exterminate all bed bugs in your home. This is impossible!

Please do not make that mistake.

The best solution to prepare for exterminators is to purchase bed bug prevention, monitoring and early detection products, so when they leave you will know if they are still around or not. 

Here are a few option:

  • Choose a bed bug mattress and box spring protector. Click here to visit our bed bug proof mattress covers. 
  • Buggy beds bed bug detectors. These can last up to six months and are perfect for regular bed bug monitoring. 
  • Bed bug interceptors. These are traps that limit bed bugs access to you bed by creating barriers.  
  • Buy active bed bug detectors. This emits CO2 and heat to replicate the human body in its sleep. Great tool for testing the presence of bed bugs around your bed. 
  • Bed bug spray. We have an all natural spray called Kleen Green for maintenance. Spray this at night to stop bed bugs form climbing in you bed. 

Find bed bug products in Canada at Please give us a call or e-mail us if you need any help. 





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